Christina Schulte Fine ArtI
Borzoi Art Uljanow

Öl / Oil paintings

More of my work in oil you will find on my Facebook page. Also some work in progress

Oil painting Borzois and Owner

Oil Painting Borzois & owner commission 2014 reference photos Kay Nickelson with kind permission


Oil painting PRE Stallion

PRE Stallion in oil reference photo Seraphin-art Sabine Vicinus many thanks


White Borzois in oil

Oil painting White Borzois reference photo L. Edland with kind permission


Ölgemälde Seerose

Ölgemälde Seerose


Oil painting Windhund

Don Camillo oil painting


wildlife painting Leopard

Oil painting Leopard


Wildlife oil painting Red Deer Stag

In the forest
